In 2001, Mario launched his career in McCann Erickson and afterwards, in 2003, he started Media Val agency with his colleagues. Mario has a degree from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, the MCIPR degree (Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations) and he is one of the first certified PR experts in Croatia. Corporate sector and international companies provided most experience to Mario, whereas in recent years his focus lies on the public sector with emphasis on EU-funded projects, as well as on projects funded by the World Bank and other institutional global sources. Since 2009, Mario has also been managing the subsidiary, Alpheus Public Affairs, doing the business of advocacy, public affairs and relations with the regulatory community. In Alpheus, he devised an innovative analysis methodology for public policies of Croatian political parties, and started the project Alpheus Policy inSight – a report including positions of the most relevant parties on topical issues and public policies, with a view to improving their communication with the voters. Mario is a member of many associations, such as Croatian Public Relations Association, Croatian Society of Lobbyists, American Chamber of Commerce, French Business Club, and Academy for Political Development, and he was the first president of the Croatian Association of Communications Agencies. He is a lecturer in Crisis Communication at the Edward Bernays University College of Communication Management, and has so far published two research papers. His leisure is devoted to family or friends, and he enjoys his recreation activities of sailing, water polo and football. He doesn’t believe in umbrellas.